About Us

We are the Free Workers‘ Union Munich.

The FAU Munich is the self-organised, militant grassroots trade union in Munich and Southern Bavaria. In its practice and ideas, the FAU refers to the tradition of revolutionary syndicalism.

For us, the trade union is the most powerful organisation for improving conditions. It is the best way to organise ourselves to defend our rights and fight for our interests.

Together we fight for fairer working conditions at work and also for concrete improvements in our lives. At the same time, we are building a better future. In our hearts we carry the hope for a society based on solidarity. We prioritise mutual help, against the exploitation and competition on the market.

The FAU is the trade union for all those who must necessarily earn a living through wage labour, regardless where someone came from, gender or other personal characteristics. Furthermore, the FAU stands up for the interests of all members of our class: People in precarious employment, the unemployed, but also people in unpaid or illegal employment can contact us and become members.

Join us! Together we demand our rights and build a new world!


Use the contact form: Kontakt

Write us an e-mail: faum-kontakt [at] fau.org


Freie Arbeiter*innen-Union
Gabelsbergerstraße 44
München 80333

Come to one of our meetings: Termine

Do you already know our social media channels?


Become a member

You want to become a member?

Here you will find some information for membership and ways to join the union.

What requirements do I have to fulfil to become a member?

I am a worker. This includes all employed, unemployed, (pseudo)self-employed, trainees and pensioners.
I am not an employer or executive employee with the power to hire or fire other people.
I do not carry out any activities that conflict with the purposes and objectives of the FAU.
I support the principles of the FAU and will behave in accordance with its structures/resolutions.

How can I join?

You can write an e-mail to: faum-kasse [at] fau.org or join at one of our meetings.
We always have a few membership forms on site.

Membership fee

The membership fee is 1% of the regular monthly net income per month, but at least 7 euros. In the event of economic hardship, the membership fee can be reduced or waived upon application. Every member is free to pay higher contributions. Contributions can be paid by standing order, direct debit or in cash.